
About the Norwegian Go Championship

The Norwegian Go Championship is an annual arrangement taking place at the second last weekend of October. It is an open championship, so everyone can participate regardless of nationality. The results from last year's tournaments are given below.

Results from previous championships

Qualification for World Championship

The Norwegian championship also serves as qualification for the World Championship for Amateurs. This is an annual tournament in Japan, and it is usually held in May/June. This is a must for every Go player. The fact that travel expences and accomodation are covered by the organizers makes it even more attractive.

The rules to decide the Norwegian representative has deliberately been made in such a way that any player reaching a 'decent' level should have a good chance of qualifying for the World Championship.

Nordic Go Championship

The Nordic Go Championship is also an annual tournament. It takes place during Easter, and lasts for three days. The results can be found by following the links below, or click here for a more comprehensive list.

Other Major Tournaments in Scandinavia

Until summer 1999 a system of Grand Prix Tournaments was in use in Europe. Scandinavia was represented with annual Grand Prix tournaments in Helsinki, Göteborg and Copenhagen; see results below. This system was then replaced by Toyota European Go Tour, from which Scandinavia gets its share with (usually) one tournament annually, rotating between Denmark, Sweden and Finland (namely Göteborg 2000/2003/2006, Helsinki 2001, Copenhagen 2002/2005 and Tampere 2004/2006). From April 2007 Toyota European Go Tour has been replaced by Pandanet Go European Cup. Copenhagen Open and Göteborg Open continue, however, as annual tournaments, even without Toyota Tour/European Cup status.

For results of these events and other european events, please see the European Go Database. For a list of upcoming tournaments in Europe, take a look at European Go Tournament Calendar. For results from Oslo Open, see the home page of Oslo Go Club.

Copyright © 1996 Go in Norway.