Congratulations to Kaan Malcok for winning the Tournamnet followed by a really strong results of 4 wins by Torsten Bringmann and in 3. place our new Norwegian master Pål Sannes!
Thanks to everyone who participated it was really fun and also a big thanks to everyone who helped with organizing and setting up the tournament.
The tournament will take place at Ole-Johan Dahls hus located at Gaustadalleen 23.
Easiest way to get there from downtown Oslo is by subway line 4 or 5 to Forskningsparken subway stop, or by tram 17 or 18 to Forskningsparken tram stop. From there it’s only a minute or two to walk to the playing area.
We will try to offer private accommodation to everyone who wants this. If you desire accommodation make sure to note it on the registration page, and we’ll see what we can do.
Dette er, og har vært, et merkelig år for Go i Norge. Ingen fysiske turneringer er blitt spilt siden koronaviruset kom. Iløpet av vår-halvåret ble både Trondheim Open og Olso Open holdt som en-dags online turneringer istedet.
NM er i år avlyst. Det var en stund en håp om at vi kunne arrangere NM iløpet av høsten, men nå med den utviklingen de siste ukene ser vi at det ikke vil være mulig.
Iløpet av høsten har go klubbene begynt igjen der det lar seg gjøre. Smittesituasjonen gjør at det varierer fra uke til uke, men for de som ønsker å møtes fysisk for å spille kan man finne mer informasjon om det på her:
Vi har nettopp mottatt denne invitasjone fra Antti Törmänen, 1p, til en go camp på Askøy like utenfor Bergen. Campen er fra 3. – 9. august.
Nedenfor følger teksten fra Antti Törmänen, og her er link til invitasjonen.
It is my pleasure to invite all Nordic go players to the ’Go Retreat at Ask Island’ in Bergen, Norway on 3–9 August 2020!
It has long been my dream to start holding events in Northern Europe that bring together traditional Asian go philosophy and the Nordic lifestyle. Last year, by chance I came upon the Ask Retreat Centre in Bergen, which seemed like the perfect location to try out my concept. The retreat centre has many separate buildings that are made for meditation and yoga, but also make for a great go-playing environment – you can check out some of the retreat centre’s photos here. Together with our team of organisers, we are looking to create a relaxed learning experience where you can make acquaintances with other go enthusiasts from the Nordic countries, and also around the world!
Because our venue is relatively small, we can only host 30 people, including the organisers. There are in total 14 accommodation spots at the venue for students, and we can additionally take in eight students who arrange their own accommodation. At the time of writing, there are only five spots with accommodation and six spots without accommodation remaining – so, if you want to register, please respond to this email (send an email to as soon as possible! For the time being, registering is not binding.
The full participation fee of the go retreat is 800 euro for six nights, which includes accommodation, teaching (lectures and reviews of league games), three vegetarian meals a day, morning yoga, side activities (go-related and not), and car transport from Bergen airport to the venue and back. If the participant arranges their own accommodation, the fee is 300 euro.
The Ask Retreat Centre provides us wonderful recreational facilities. As you can see in the attached promotional leaflet, the venue itself is stunning, and we can easily arrange mountain hiking and fishing trips. There is also a sauna and swimming possibility, and one of the many buildings we have rented includes a video projector and audio system.
On the 12th to 13th of October the Norwegian Championship 2019 was held in Oslo. 33 players attended from 3 countries, 9 more players than last year! There was a good spread of players from 20 kyu and all the way to 3 dan, and enough players around all ranks that everyone got some good, even opponents to play against.
Norwegian Championship 2019
The tournament was won by Johan Berntsson, 2D, from Gothenburg and second place was grabbed by Leif Almrot, 2D, from Gothenburg.
After the two Swedes the top players shared 3rd to 7th place with the same score of 3 wins and 2 losses. And 3rd and 4th place was shared between the two Hanevik brothers, who even had the same SOS score!
Severin Hanevik did in the end receive 3rd place in the tournament, decided by SOSOS, and thus he was the best placed Norwegian player and keeps his title as Norwegian Champion.
I runde 6 av Pandanet ble spilt 19. februar. Norge møtte Serbia i den runden, et av de sterkeste lagene i gruppen.
Dessverre viste det seg at Serbia var litt for sterke for det Norske laget denne gangen, selv om Severin Hanevik spilte et imponerende parti mot Nikola Mitic på første bordet!
Selv med tap mot Serbia beholder Norge sin 7. plass i gruppen. Med tre runder igjen av denne sesongen ser det lovende ut for Norge å beholde sin plass i B. gruppen, men kan bli tøff motstand framover mot Storbritannia, Nederland, og Østerrike.
Under følger de fire partiene som ble spilt:
Nikola Mitic, 6D (sort) – Severin Hanevik, 3D (hvit): B+2.5
Dusan Mitic, 6D (hvit) – Tomas Hjartnes, 2D (sort): W+22.5
Etter at vi holdt Nordisk Mesterskap i Oslo ifjor er det nå Finland sin tur å ha mesterskapet.
Invitasjonen til Nordisk Mesterskap er nå tilgjengelig. Mesterskapet vil holdes i Helsinki, Finland. Som vanlig skjer turneringen over påske-helgen, som er 19. april – 21. april i år.
Håper mange kan ta turen over dit, og kanskje mesterskapstittelen kan gå til en norsk spiller i år!