Oslo Goclub is happy to invite everyone back to Ifi for some more Go!
Because of the change in the national regulations recently, Oslo Goclub will start with regular playing every wednesday at Ifi again!
As usual we will be playing at the Ifi cafeteria from 17:00 – 21:00
Adresse: Gaustadalléen 23B, 0373 Oslo
Time: 17:00 -21:00, wednesday’s
Hope everyone is doing alright and looking forward to meeting everyone again and finally get to play some go face to face, on a real Go board,
Oslo goklubb kan endelig invitere alle tilbake igjen til regelmessig spillinger ved Ifi på onsdagene fremover.
Håper alt fremdeles står bra til. Ser frem til å møte alle igjen og ikke minst endelig få spilt litt go ansikt til ansikt.
Adresse: Gaustadalléen 23B, 0373 Oslo
Tid: 17:00 -21:00, Onsdager.